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Ideas Lab

I believe that innovation is born of curiosity, learning, and experimentation. Below are some experiments and ideas that I am exploring. I would love to know what you think about them or answer your questions. Just get in touch.

Blog post: "The curse of knowledge (graphs)"

A discussion on managing citations in Generative AI-assisted research. Includes links to an open source app I built to make querying a knowledge graph with Microsoft GraphRAG a little bit more user-friendly.


Microsavings product design

A simple application I made to help a product design team easily model the potential terms of microsavings products, considering a customer persona's savings aspirations over time, using interactive tables and graphs.


GenAI news summaries

A little experiment in querying and summarising topics of interest from a curated RSS newsfeed, using the OpenAI API. It is occasionally temperamental and often surprising. Try it out!


Curated RSS newsfeed

A simple app curating a few Angolan RSS news sources. You can scroll through the latest headlines, search for a particular topic with a keyword, or filter the articles by their source.


© 2024 by Dara Castello.

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